

aquai hello nohhum my grandmother
nomasis my little grandmother nemoghhome my grandfather
machom grandfather mnohti bag of peace
squau-tho-won wampum belts un-nuh-kau-kun messenger, runner
Wauntheet Monnitoow Shining Spirit tpochgo night
onaquega evening namees fish
pachkenum dark gemeze eat
tahaso cold menachk drink
achwahndowagan love pachan it is snowing
Nia ktachwahnen I thee love m'sauneeh snow
kschittau hot wastachquaam tree
nachk hand wenanno tongue
mahkwa bear siipo river
mattape sit down Pachtamawas God
aki earth mbei water
soganahn rain kshachchen wind
geshoch sun anakusak stars
stau fire wachtshu hill
nemanau man tah heart
mkhook-que-thoth owl woh-weet-quau-pee-chee counselors
wunneet it is good we-ku-wuhm wigwam, house
or Wanachquaticock
land at the end of the river (Mahican name for Stockbridge) quin'a month'ee How are you?
komeekha come in, be at home muh-he-con-nuk great waters (sea)

Wneeweh: I thank you (contributed by Debra Winchell)